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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 644

Simulations for solid state physics

an interactive resource for students and teachers

  • Silsbee, Robert H.

Glassy materials and disordered solids

an introduction to their statistical mechanics

  • Binder, Kurt

Point defects in metals II

dynamical properties and diffusion controlled reactions

  • Dederichs, Peter H.

Théorie du solide

  • Davydov, Alexandr Sergeevic

Solid state physics, suppl. 7

electron radiation damage in semiconductors and metals

  • Corbett, James W.

The solid state

from superconductors to superalloys

  • Guinier, André

Proceedings of the 14th general conference of the condensed matter division of the European physical society

Madrid, Spain, March 28-31, 1994

  • General conference of the condensed matter division of the European physical society 14 Madrid 1994

Solid state physics.

Vol. 4: Advances in research and applications

Solid state physics.

Vol. 7: Advances in research and applications