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Risultati 2400-2420 di 10202

Antenna handbook

theory, applications, and design

Standard radio communications manual

with instrumentation and testing techniques

  • Kinley, R. Harold

Radio stations

installation, design and practice

  • Chappel, George Alfred

Gas discharges and the electricity supply industry

proceedings of the International Conference held at the Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead, Surrey, England, 7th-11th May, 1962

  • Central electricity research laboratories

Electrical communication

  • Albert, Arthur Lemuel

Mechanics of machines

advanced theory and examples

  • Hannah, John

Disegno di macchine [+]

note di progettazione metodica

  • Biggioggero, Gian Francesco

Utensili per dentare

un manuale di progetto e costruzione

  • Lorenz GmbH & C.

Thermodynamique des systèmes propulsifs à réaction et de la turbine à gaz

lecons professees au centre d'etudes superieures de mecanique, Paris, 1946

  • Roy, Maurice

Electrical engineers' handbook [+]

electric communication and electronics