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Risultati 3460-3480 di 9229

Niels Bohr and the development of physics

essays dedicated to Niels Bohr on the occasion of his seventieth birthday

Kelvin's Baltimore lectures and modern theoretical physics

historical and philosophical perspective

  • Kelvin, William Thomson

A proposito di una storia del barometro

risposta al prof. Aldo Mieli direttore dell'Archeion

  • Barresi, Giovanni

Beautiful models

70 years of exactly solved quantum many-body problems

  • Sutherland, Bill

The rise of Robert Millikan

portrait of a life in American science

  • Kargon, Robert Hugh

Introduction to quantum mechanics

a time-dependent perspective

  • Tannor, David Joshua

Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare.

Vol. 2: Sur quelques problemes de mecanique ondulatoire; La theorie quantique des champs

  • Sommerfeld, Arnold.