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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 521

Writing and the rise of finance [+]

capital satires of the early eighteenth century

  • Nicholson, Colin Edward

Asset pricing

  • Cochrane, John H.

2. International conference of the Centre for research in finance IMI group

  • International conference of the Centre for research in finance IMI group 2. Roma 1991

Capital ideas

the improbable origins of modern Wall Street

  • Bernstein, Peter L.

Commercio del denaro e crescita economica a Milano

tra Cinquecento e Seicento

  • De Luca, Giuseppe 1963-

Regulation, deregulation, reregulation

the future of the banking, insurance, and securities industries

  • Gart, Alan

Situazione dei conti

Banca d'Italia, 1936-1971; Ufficio italiano cambi, 1955-1971

  • Banca d'Italia