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Risultati 360-380 di 2040

The european family

patriarchy and paternship from the Middle Ages to the present

  • Mitterauer, Michael

Family life and illicit love in earlier generations

essays in historical sociology

  • Laslett, Peter

La famiglia d'origine

l'incontro in psicoterapia e nella formazione

Famiglie e psicopatologia infantile

quando la sofferenza è così precoce

Rethinking the family

some feminist questions


la famille a travers les generations

  • Attias-Donfut, Claudine

Manuale di psicologia relazionale

la dimensione familiare

  • Andolfi, Maurizio

The family in Greek history

  • Patterson, Cynthia Burchell

Equality practice

civil unions and the future of gay rights

  • Eskridge, William N.

Family man

faterhood, housework, and gender equity

  • Coltrane, Scott

The family

from institution to companionship

  • Burgess, Ernest W.

The rise of the egalitarian family

aristocratic kinship and domestic relations in eighteenth-century England

  • Trumbach, Randolph

Changing patterns of family and kinship in South Asia

proceedings of an International symposium on the occasion of the 50. anniversary of Indiaʼs indipendence held at the University of Helsinki, 6 May 1998