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Risultati 1180-1200 di 4608

Culture, society and religion in early modern Europe

essays by the students and colleagues of William J. Bouwsma ; edited by Ellery Shalk

1. janvier 1993

ce qui va changer en Europe

  • Sutherland, Peter

State responsiveness and state activism

an examination of the social forces and state strategies that explain the rise in social expenditures in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, 1870-1968

  • Hage, Jerald

Les tendances demographiques dans la region europeenne

leurs repercussions sanitairies et sociales

Social and economic aspects of ageing societies

an important social development issues : Ljubljana, Slovenia, 25-28 september 1997

  • Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development

Pre-industrial economic growth

social organization and technological progress in Europe

  • Persson, Karl Gunnar

Territoires de France et d'Europe

raisons de geographe

  • Brunet, Roger

L'Europa possibile

la CGT e la CGIL di fronte al processo di integrazione europeo (1957-1973)

  • Del Biondo, Ilaria

Les chemins de Munich

une nuit de sept ans : 1932-1939

  • Rothschild, Robert

Warum Europa?

mittelalterliche Grundlagen eines Sonderwegs

  • Mitterauer, Michael

Commerce with the classics

ancient books and Renaissance readers

  • Grafton, Anthony

Mittelalter und Moderne

Entdeckung und Rekonstruktion der mittelalterichen Welt : Kongressakten des 6. Symposiums des Mediävistenverbandes in Bayreuth 1995

  • Segl, Peter

Americanisation in 20. century Europe: business, culture, politics

vol. 2 : colloque organise a Roubaix les 20, 21 et 22 septembre 2001