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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 820-840 di 4608

Changing governance of local economies

responses of european local production systems

Sixteenth century Europe

expansion and conflict

  • Mackenney, Richard

The European experience

a historical critique of development theory

  • Senghaas, Dieter

Early civilization and literacy in Europe

an inquiry into cultural continuity in the Mediterranean world

  • Haarmann, Harald

Droit europeen [+]

  • Gautron, Jean-Claude

Sozialgeschichte des Mittelalters

eine Forschungsbilanz nach der deutschen Einheit

  • Borgolte, Michael

What is Enlightenment? [+]

eighteenth-century answers and twentieth-century questions

Prospettive della ricostruzione economica europea

  • Nazioni UniteEconomic commission for Europe

Political power and social change

the United States faces a united Europe

Ethnogenese europaischer Volker

aus der Sicht der Anthropologie und Vor- und Fruhgeschichte

Union ou desunion de l'Europe?

la communaute europeenne a l'epreuve de la crise yougoslave et des mutations en Europe de l'est

  • Sidjanski, Dusan