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Risultati 380-400 di 4608

Living with a reluctant hegemon

explaining European responses to US unilateralims

  • Fehl, Caroline

L'età post-eroica

guerra e pace nell'Europa contemporanea

  • Sheehan, James J.

Popularizing national pasts

1800 to the present

  • Berger, Stefan 1964-

Measuring progress towards a more sustainable Europe [+]

proposed indicators for sustainable development : data 1980-99

The crisis of the twelfth century

power, lordship, and the origins of European government

  • Bisson, Thomas N.

The struggle for power in early modern Europe

religious conflict, dynastic empires and international change

  • Nexon, Daniel H.

L' economia politica dell'integrazione europea

evoluzione di una democrazia sovranazionale

  • Montani, Guido


the faltering project

  • Habermas, Jürgen

Il primato sfuggente

l'Europa e l'intervento per lo sviluppo (1957-2007)

  • Calandri, Elena

Europe’s migrant policies

illusions of integration

  • Mulcahy, Suzanne

Using Europe

territorial party strategies in a multi-level system

  • Hepburn, Eve

A culture of freedom

ancient Greece and the origins of Europe

  • Meier, Christian

La trasformazione economica dell'Europa

dal Seicento alla rivoluzione industriale

  • Conca Messina, Silvia A.

From Gibbon to Auden

essays on the classical tradition

  • Bowersock, Glen Warren