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Risultati 200-220 di 4608

Socialism across the iron curtain

socialist parties in East and West and the reconstruction of Europe after 1945

  • Graaf, Jan: de storico

La cultura senza regole [+]

letteratura, spettacolo e arti nell'Europa dell'Ottocento

  • Charle, Christophe

Cold war Europe, 1945-89

a political history

  • Young, John W.

Arte e potere

le feste del Rinascimento, 1450-1650

  • Strong, Roy

Economic adjustment after the Cold War

strategies for conversion

  • Renner, Michael

The foundations of peace in Europe

political and military aspects

  • Proektor, Daniil

Imaginer l'Europe

le marché intérieur européen, tâche culturelle et économique

"These sad but glorious days"

dispatches from Europe, 1846-1850

  • Fuller, Margaret

Europaische Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte

Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Forschung