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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 505

L'identità etnica

  • Epstein, Arnold Leonard

The minds of the West

ethnocultural evolution in the rural Middle West, 1830-1917

  • Gjerde, Jon

Identity through history

living stories in a Solomon Islands society

  • White, Geoffrey M.

Interpretive ethnography

ethnographic practices for the 21st century

  • Denzin, Norman K.

Exchange in Oceania

A graph theoretic analysis

  • HAGE, Per

Research methods in anthropology [+]

qualitative and quantitative approaches

  • Bernard, Harvey Russell

Through Navajo eyes

an exploration in film communication and anthropology

  • Worth, Sol

Transforming qualitative data

description, analysis and interpretation

  • Wolcott, Harry F.

Life among indian tribes

the autobiography of an anthropologist

  • Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph: von

The Samoa reader

anthropologists take stock

The golden peninsula

culture and adaptation in mainland Southeast Asia

  • Keyes, Charles F.

Ethos and identity

three studies in ethnicity

  • Epstein, Arnold Leonard

Through central Borneo

an account of two years travel in the land of the head-hunters between the years 1913 and 1917

  • Lumholtz, Carl