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Risultati 20-40 di 356


a mathematical introduction

  • McKenna, Christopher John

Econometric decision models

new methods of modeling and applications : proceedings of the Second International conference on econometric decision models, University of Hagen, held in Haus Nordhelle, August 29-September 1, 1989

  • International conference on econometric decision models 2. Hagen 1989

Methods of correlation and regression analysis

linear and curvilinear

  • Ezekiel, Mordecai

Non nested testing procedures

Monte Carlo evidence and post simulation analysis in dynamic models

  • Parigi, Giuseppe

Economic decision-making

games, econometrics and optimisation : contributions in honor of Jacques H. Dreze

Foundations of mathematical system dynamics

the fundamental theory of causal recursion and its application to social science and economics

  • Aulin, Arvid

Chaotic dynamics

theory and applications to economics

  • Medio, Alfredo

Scritti di demografia e statistica

raccolti in occasione del suo ottantesimo compleanno

  • Parenti, Giuseppe n. 1910

Modelli decisionali macroeconomici

tecniche e metodi di simulazione per ottimizzare le scelte di politica economica

  • Panattoni, Lorenzo