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Risultati 260-280 di 356

Studies in econometric theory

the collected essays of Takeshi Amemiya

  • Amemiya, Takeshi


theory and applications

  • Ghosh, Sukesh K.

Advances in economic theory

6. world congress

  • Econometric Society world congress 6. Barcellona 1990

Nonparametric and semiparametric methods in econometrics and statistics

proceedings of the fifth international symposium in economic theory and econometrics

Game theory and mathematical economics

proceedings of the seminar on Game theory and mathematical economics : Bonn/Hagen, 7-10 October, 1980

  • Seminar on Game theory and mathematical economics Bonn, Hagen 1980

Chaotic dynamics in economic models

some simple case-studies

  • Hommes, Carsien Harm

General equilibrium analysis

existence and optimality properties of equilibria

  • Florenzano, Monique