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Risultati 980-1000 di 22329

L'économie des trasports terrestres

rail, route et eau

  • Clozier, René


  • Dolan, Edwin G.

Industrial societies after the stagnation of the 1970s

taking stock from an interdisciplinary perspective

Richard Cantillon

entrepreneur and economist

  • Murphy, Antoin

Uncertainty-based information

elements of generalized information theory

  • Klir, George J.

Fascismo, autarchia, commercio estero

Felice Guarneri, un tecnocrate al servizio dello "Stato nuovo"

  • Zani, Luciano

260 aree economiche in Italia

contributo alla programmazione : metodi di individuazione e analisi statistiche

Gerarchie economiche e gerarchie sociali, secoli 12-18.

  • Istituto internazionale di storia economica Francesco Datini

El pensament econòmic a Catalunya (1760-1840)

els orígens ideològics del proteccionisme i la presa de consciència de la burgesia catalana

  • Lluch, Ernest

Political economists and the English poor laws

a historical study of the influence of classical economics on the formation of social welfare policy

  • Cowherd, Raymond Gibson

Modeling rational agents

from interwar economics to early modern game theory

  • Giocoli, Nicola

Free market economics

an introduction for the general reader

  • Kates, Steven