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Risultati 6140-6160 di 22329

Wirtschaft und Strafrecht

Festschrift fur Niklaus Schmid zum 65. Geburtstag

Economics essays

a Festschrift for Werner Hildenbrand

Ethical issues in economics

from altruism to cooperation to equity

  • Lunati, M. Teresa

Endogenous economic fluctuations [+]

studies in the theory of rational beliefs

Against economics

rethinking political economy

  • Kanth, Rajani Kannepalli

Origins of law and economics

the economistsʼ new science of law, 1830-1930

  • Pearson, Heath Dorset

This I believe and other essays

  • Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich

Nonlinear economic models [+]

cross-sectional, time series and neural network applications

Bayesian analysis in econometrics and statistics

the Zellner view and papers

  • Zellner, Arnold

Derecho penal economico

  • Bajo Fernández, Miguel

Computational economics

economic modeling with optimization software

  • Thompson, Gerald L.

Economic theory and public decisions

selected essays of Robert Dorfman

  • Dorfman, Robert

Al di là dello sviluppo

globalizzazione e rapporti Nord-Sud

Mathematica for microeconomics

learning by example

  • Stinespring, John Robert