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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 5040-5060 di 22329

Knowledge economies

organization, location and innovation

  • Dolfsma, Wilfred


case studies

  • Lovera Di Maria, Georgina

Experiments in economics

playing fair with money

  • Chaudhuri, Ananish

Economia e società

dalla caduta dell'impero romano alla rivoluzione industriale

  • Finzi, Roberto

Questioni di interesse

la Chiesa e il denaro in età moderna

  • Vismara, Paola 1947-

The world in the model

how economists work and think

  • Morgan, Mary S.

Humanism and religion in the history of economic thought [+]

selected papers from the 10th Aispe conference

  • Associazione italiana per la storia del pensiero economico

Economics for real

Uskali Maki and the place of truth in economics


eine systematische Darstellung

  • Köck, Elisabeth

Structures of capital

the social organization of the economy