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Risultati 3400-3420 di 22329

Contours of the world economy, 1-2030 AD

essays in macro-economic history

  • Maddison, Angus

Antonio Agostino Cournot

l'uomo e l'economista

  • Giacalone-monaco, Tommaso

Organisation des Handwerks

im "dunklem Zeitalter" und im I. Jahrtausend v.u.Z. im ostlichen Mittelmeergebiet

  • Heltzer, Michael

L'imaginaire de Marseille

port, ville, pôle

  • Roncayolo, Marcel

Il XIX secolo 1815-1914

dalle rivoluzioni agli imperialismi

  • Heffer, Jean

La loge et le fondouk

les dimensions spatiales des pratiques marchandes en Méditerranée, Moyen Âge-Époque moderne

The founders and finance

how Hamilton, Gallatin, and other immigrants forged a new economy

  • McCraw, Thomas K.

Finance and the making of the modern capitalist world, 1750-19331

  • International Economic History Congress 12. Madrid 1998

Microeconomia & matematica

note ed esercizi

  • Foschi, Alga D.

The vital few

the entrepreneur and American economic progress

  • Hughes, Jonathan R.t.

Nascita di una disciplina


  • Pribram, Karl