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Risultati 580-600 di 3321

Conquistiamo il potere di star bene

le streghe son tornate

  • Collettivo per il salario contro il lavoro domestico

Women and gender

a feminist psychology

  • Unger, Rhoda

Le statut de la femme a Byzance

(4.-7. siecle)

  • Beaucamp, Joelle

At the boundaries of law

feminism and legal theory

Public man, private woman

women in social and political thought

  • Elshtain, Jean Bethke

Mothers in the fatherland

women, the family and Nazi politics

  • Koonz, Claudia

Emerging from the chrysalis

studies in rituals of womens initiation

  • Lincoln, Bruce

Le donne e la citta

per una storia della condizione femminile

  • Cantarella, Eva

Inchiesta sulla donna

  • Gambarotta, Guglielmo

Discourses of difference

an analysis of women's travel writing and colonialism

  • Mills, Sara

Die Frauen der Goethezeit

  • Hoock-Demarle, Marie-Claire

Compiling social indicators on the situation of women

  • Nazioni UniteDepartment of international economic and social affairsStatistical office

Il romanzo al femminile

  • Mercier, Michel 1936-

Equal protection of the law?

gender and justice in the United States

  • Atwell, Mary Welek

Geschlechter-Frauen-Fremde Ethnien

in antiker Ethnographie, Theorie und Realität

Sex and gender in the ancient Near East

proceedings of the 47. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale : Helsinki, July 2-6, 2001