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Risultati 440-460 di 3321

Donne, politica e processi decisionali

atti del Convegno, Urbino, 7 novembre 2003

Womenʼs status and fertility in Pakistan

recent evidence

  • Nazioni uniteDepartment for economic and social information and policy analysis

Sexual harassment

a reference handbook

  • Eisaguirre, Lynne

Del deber ser y el hacer de las mujeres

dos estudios de caso en Argentina

  • Wainerman, Catalina

Womenʼs rights, human rights

international feminist perspectives

Gender, culture and human rights

reclaiming universalism

  • Mullally, Siobhán

Population and women

Proceedings of the United Nations expert group meeting on population and women Gaborone, Bostwana, 22-26 June 1992 ; Convened as part of the substantive preparations for the International Conference on population and development, 1994

  • Nazioni UniteDepartment for Economic and Social Information and Policy AnalysisPopulation Division

Reframing womens health

multidisciplinary research and practice

Women growing older

psychological perspective

  • Turner, Barbara F.

Women [+]

a psychological perspective