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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 560-580 di 1886

Criminal law statutes 2009-2010

[un-annotated , ideal for exam use; updated annually]

  • Herring, Jonathan

El nuevo derecho penal

  • Landrove Diaz, Gerardo

Crime, law and society in the later Middle Ages

selected sources translated and annotated

Profilo di storia del diritto penale

dal medioevo alla restaurazione

Textbook of criminal law [+]

  • Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Criminal law

  • Singer, Richard G.

Contemporary criminal law [+]

concepts, cases, and controversies

  • Lippman, Matthew

Strafrecht AT

der Allgemeine Teil des StGB leicht erklärt für Anfänger

  • Lutz, Philipp

Meinungsstreite Strafrecht AT und BT 1 [+]

examensrelevante Probleme, Meinungen, Argumente ; §§ 1 - 210 StGB

  • Fahl, Christian

Meinungsstreite Strafrecht BT 2

examensrelevante Probleme - Meinungen - Argumente, §§ 211 - 266b StGB

  • Fahl, Christian