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Risultati 1440-1460 di 5119

International legal theory

essays and engagements, 1966-2006

  • Onuf, Nicholas Greenwood

Luigi Ferrari Bravo

il diritto internazionale come professione

Ruling the world?

constitutionalism, international law and global governance

The sword and the scales

the United States and international courts and tribunals

Völkerrechtliche Großraumordnung mit Interventionsverbot für raumfremde Mächte

ein Beitrag zum Reichsbegriff im Völkerrecht

  • Schmitt, Carl 1888-1985

The signature of evil

(re)defining torture in international law

  • Dewulf, Steven

Non-state actors and International humanitarian law

organized armed groups: a challenge for the 21st century : a challenge for the 21st century : 32nd Round table on currente issues of International humanitarian law Sanremo, 11-13 september 2009

Alle origini del diritto internazionale

il contributo di Vitoria e Suárez alla moderna dottrina internazionalistica

  • Palamidessi, Andrea Maria

Der Staat im Recht

Festschrift für Eckart Klein zum 70. Geburtstag

The British people and the League of Nations

democracy, citizenship and internationalism, c. 1918-45

  • McCarthy, Helen