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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1100-1120 di 1765

Rights brought home

the Human Rights Bill

  • Gran BretagnaHome office

Human rights and development

towards mutual reinforcement

Wertordnung und Verfassung

das Grundgesetz im Kontext grenzüberschreitender Konstitutionalisierung

  • Rensmann, Thilo

Monitoring fundamental rights in the EU

the contribution of the fundamental rights agency

CEDH et droit prive

l'influence de la jurispudence de la Cour europeenne des droits de l'homme sur le droit prive francais

Atti del seminario di studio Discriminazione razziale, xenofobia, odio religioso

diritti fondamentali e tutela penale : Università degli Studi di Padova, 24 marzo 2006

The rights international companion to criminal law and procedure

an international human rights and humanitarian law supplement

  • Forrest Martin, Francisco

Des droits au droit

les droits de la personne, fondement du droit

Human rights

concept and context

  • Orend, Brian

The UN human rights treaty system

universality at the crossroads

  • Bayefsky, Anne F.

The mobilization of shame

a world view of human rights

  • Drinan, Robert F.