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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 960-980 di 1765

Diverse partners

non-governmental organizations in the human rights movement : the report of a retreat of human rights activists

  • Steiner, Henry J.

Life, technology and law

second Forum for transnational and comparative legal dialogue : Levico Terme, Italy, june 9-10, 2006 proceedings

Menschenwürde als Rechtsbegriff

eine philosophische Klärung

  • Tiedemann, Paul


Die Geltungsbergrundung der Menschenrechte

  • Fischer-Lescano, Andreas

La dignite de la personne humaine

recherche sur un processus de juridicisation

States of injustice

a guide to human rights and civil liberties in the European Union

  • Spencer, Michael

Human rights and disabled persons

essays and relevant human rights instruments

Monitoring human rights in Europe

comparing international procedures and mechanisms

I diritti fondamentali

differenze culturali, deseguaglianze sociali, differenza sessuale

  • Pitch, Tamar

World poverty and human rights

cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms

  • Pogge, Thomas Winfried Menko

La tutela multilivello dei diritti

punti di crisi, problemi aperti, momenti di stabilizzazione