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Risultati 260-280 di 1907

A Livorno, nel Settecento

medici, mercanti, abati, stampatori : Giovanni Gentili (1704-1784) ed il suo ambiente

  • Morelli Timpanaro, Maria Augusta

Modernity at large

cultural dimensions of globalization

  • Appadurai, Arjun

Cultural studies and beyond

fragments of empire

  • Davies, Ioan

Entre dos mundos

fronteras culturales y agentes mediadores

Modernism, gender and culture

a cultural studies approach

Carolingian renewal

sources and heritage

  • Bullough, Donald A.

Race and culture

a world view

  • Sowell, Thomas

Modes of Thought

a study in the anthropology of law and religion

  • Fikentscher, Wolfgang

Meaning and moral order

explorations in cultural analysis

  • Wuthnow, Robert

The condition of postmodernity

an enquiry into the origins of cultural change

  • Harvey, David 1935-

Kultura kak sistema

  • Pelipenko, Andrej Anatol'evic

Griechen, Barbaren und Wilde

Alte Geschichte und Sozialanthropologie

  • Nippel, Wilfried


antropologia sonora del mondo antico

  • Bettini, Maurizio 1947-