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ein laboratoriumshandbuch

  • Bolliger, H.r.

Giornate italiane della separazione immediata e della cromatografia

Milano, 14-15-16 giugno 1963 : promosse dal Groupement pour l'advancement des methodes spectrographiques

  • Giornate italiane della separazione immediata e della cromatografia Milano 1963

Gel chromatography

gel filtration, gel permeation, molecular sieves : a laboratory handbook

  • Determann, Helmut

Gas chromatography abstracts 1958

references to the end of 1958

Gas chromatography 1958

proceedings of the second symposium organized by the Gas Chromatography Discussion Group under the auspices of the Hydrocarbon Research Group of the Institute of Petroleum and the Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging held at the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam 19-23 May 1958

Paper chromatography

a laboratory manual

  • Block, Richard J.


a review of principles and applications

  • Lerderer, Edgar