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Risultati 20-40 di 304

Die Christliche Kabbala

ein Stiefkind der Theologie

  • Benz, Ernst

Coloro che ti benediranno io benedirò (gen 12,3a)

l'ebraismo vivente visto da Teresa Salzano

  • Salzano, Teresa

Judaïsme et christianisme

dossier patristique

  • Judant, Denise

Judaism and the early christian mind

a study of Cyril of Alexandria's exegesis and theology

  • Wilken, Robert Louis

Das Ende der Doppelten Schuzherrschaft

der Heilige Stuhl und die Juden am Übergang zur moderne (1775-1870)

  • Brechenmacher, Thomas

Streit um Abraham

was Juden, Christen und Muslime trennt- und was sie eint

  • Kuschel, Karl-Josef


recherches historiques et théologiques offertes en hommage au cardinal Jean Daniélou

George W. E. Nickelsburg in perspective

an ongoing dialogue of learning

Judaeo-Christian intellectual culture in the seventeenth century

a celebration of the library of Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713)

Anti-Judaism and early Christian identity

a critique of the scholarly consensus

  • Taylor, Miriam S.

Morire per Dio [+]

il martirio e la formazione di cristianesimo e giudaismo

  • Boyarin, Daniel

Living together, living apart

rethinking Jewish-Christian relations in the Middle Ages

  • Elukin, Jonathan M

Two nations in your womb

perceptions of jews and christians in late antiquity and the middle ages

  • Yuval, Israel Jacob

Blood and belief

the circulation of a symbol between Jews and Christians

  • Biale, David