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Risultati 280-300 di 2252

International trade policy

from tariffs to the new protectionism

  • Greenaway, David

Statistics on payment systems in the group of ten countries

figures for 1995

  • Banca dei regolamenti internazionali

Italia multinazionale

gli investimenti esteri in Italia e dell'Italia verso i paesi esteri : 2. rapporto R&P al CNEL

Sugarlandia Revisited

Sugar and Colonialism in Asia and the Americas, 1800 to 1940

Venezia e l'Egitto alla fine del Medioevo

le tariffe di Alessandria

  • Sopracasa, Alessio

Il countertrade

aspetti economico-aziendali

  • Fadda, Liana

Rome and India

the ancient sea trade

Linking global trade and human rights

new policy space in hard economic times

The commercial revolution in nineteenth century China

the rise of Sino-Western mercatile capitalism

  • Hao, Yen-p'ing

Atlantic empires

the network of trade and revolution, 1713-1826

  • Liss, Peggy K.

Négociants marseillais au XVIIIe siècle

contribution à l'étude des économies maritimes

  • Carrière, Charles