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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 114

L'omotrapianto di organi

biologia, sperimentazione, applicazione clinica

  • Lorenzini, Luciano

Le plastiche cutanee

indicazioni e tecnica

  • Buff, Hans Ueli

Pharmacological treatment in organ and tissue transplantation

proceedings of an international symposium, Milan, 28th February-1st March, 1969 : sponsored by the Italian society of clinical pharmacology, the Institute of pharmacology and experimental therapy, University of Milan

Histocompatibility testing

report of a conference and workshop sponsored by the Division of Medical sciences, National academy of sciences, National research council, 7-12 June, 1964

Proceedings of the Post-graduate course on plastic surgery

held in Milan, May 25-26-27 (1972) as a part of the teaching programme of the 18. World congress of the International college of surgeons, May 28-31 (Rome 1972)

  • Post-graduate course on Plastic surgery Milano 1972

Stato attuale del problema degli innesti di tessuti in chirurgia

relazione al 54. congresso della Società italiana di Chirurgia, Venezia ottobre 1952

  • Fasiani, Gian Maria

Eidomatica e robotica medica

il mirus-lab ed altre esperienze in chirurgia ricostruttiva

Chirurgia plastica

nuovi metodi e miglioramenti

  • Skoog, Tord

Histocompatibility testing 1967

report of a conference and workshop, Torino and Saint-Vincent, Italy, 14-24 June 1967