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Risultati 720-740 di 2165

Themen der physikalischen Chemie

auf veranlassung des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure an der Technischen Hochschule zu Braunschweig gehaltene Vorträge

  • Baur, Emil

Thermochemical prperties of Gibbsite, Bayerite, Boehmite, Diaspore and the Aluminate ion between 0 and 350° C

prepared for Division of waste management, Office of nuclear material safety and afeguards, U.S. Nuclear regulatory commission ...

  • Apps, J.A.

Électrochimie théorique

  • Antropov, Lev Ivanovich

Free radicals

a practical approach

L'électrode en verre

méthodes, applications et théorie

  • Dole, Malcolm

Homogeneous catalysis

industrial applications and implications : a symposium sponsored by the Division of industrial and engeneering chemistry at the 152nd meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, N. Y. Sept. 13-14, 1966

Physical adsorption of gases

  • Young, David Matheson 1923-