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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 100-120 di 2905

Fundamentals of chemistry

a modern introduction

  • Brescia, Frank

Chemical calculations

  • Anderson, Harold Victor

Geschichte der Alchemie

  • Schmieder, Karl Christoph

Trough alchemy to chemistry

A procession of ideas and personalities

  • Read, John

The merk index of chemicals and drugs

an encyclopedia for chemists, pharmacists, physicians, ...

Zeeman effect

  • Jacquot, Pierre


con elementi di nomenclatura dei composti inorganici e organici

  • Breschi, Roberto

Die Fabrikation des Superphosphats und Thomasphosphatmehls

Ein Hülfsbuch für den Düngerchemiker im Betriebe und Laboratorium

  • Schucht, Ludwing

Allelopatia tra le piante superiori

tesi di laurea

  • Tondo, Maria Cristina


its use and manufacture

  • Björling, Philip R.

Glue, gelatine, and their allied products

a practical handbook for the manufacturer, agriculturist, and student of technology

  • Lambert, Thomas


Allgemeine Kristallographie und Mineralogie

Principes fondamentaux de chimie

a l'usage des écoles

  • Swarts, Th.

Analisi quantitativa

schemi e tabelle per analisi ponderale, determinazioni elettro-analitiche, saggi sui metalli nobili, analisi dei gas

  • Treadwell, William Dupré

Cryometry, ebulliometry

  • Swietoslawski, Wojciech

Risultati 100-120 di 2905