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Risultati 420-440 di 2905

La chimica e la microscopia al letto dell'ammalato

elemento diagnostico elaborato con ispeciale riguardo ai bisogni del medico pratico

  • Hoefle, Marco Aurelio

Foundations of science mathematics [+]

worked problems

  • SiviaDevinder S.

Radical chemistry

the fundamentals

  • PerkinsM. J. (Michael John)

Organometallics. 2

Complexes with transition metal-carbon π-bonds

  • BochmannManfred

Organometallics 1

Complexes with transition metal-carbon σ-bonds

  • BochmannManfred

Collection of lectures

summer schools on green chemistry, Venice, 1998-1999-2000

Chemical technology

an integral textbook

  • Jess, Andreas

The Summa perfectionis of Pseudo-Geber

a critical edition, translation and study

  • Newmann, William R.

The science of chemistry

  • Freeman, Ira Maximilian

De igne

a post-Aristotelian view of the nature of fire

  • Theophrastus


principles and experiments

  • Page, John Arthur

General chemistry workbook

how to solve chemistry problems

  • Pierce, Conway