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Risultati 80-100 di 1153

Philosophi e logici

un ventennio di incontri e scontri: Soissons, Sens, Cluny (1121-1141)

  • Zerbi, Pietro

From the stone age to christianity

monotheism and the historical process

  • Foxwell Albright, William

La coscienza del principe

prospettazione ideologica e realtà politica delle interposizioni prelatizie nel governo della cosa pubblica

  • Bellini, Piero 1926-

Hippolytus and the Roman Church in the third century

communities in tension before the emergence of a monarch-bishop

  • Brent, Allen

Innocent 3.

vicar of Christ or lord of the world?

Una Chiesa di frontiera

le istituzioni ecclesiastiche veneziane nei secoli 6.-12.

  • Rando, Daniela

A bishop and his world before the Gregorian reform

Hubert of Angers, 1006-1047

  • Fanning, Steven

Paganism and Christianity

100-425 C.E. : a sourcebook

Church law and church order in Rome and Byzantium

a comparative study

  • Gallagher, Clarence

Die Theologie der Kirche bei Robert Bellarmin 1542-1621

systematische Voraussetzungen des Kontroverstheologen

  • Dietrich, Thomas

The limits of ancient christianity

essays on late antique thought and culture in honor of R. A. Markus

Paroikie und Oikoumene

sozial- und mentalitätsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum 1. Clemensbrief

  • Schmitt, Tassilo

Risultati 80-100 di 1153