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Risultati 40-60 di 192

Cellular biophysics

  • Weiss, Thomas Fischer

Prebiotic chemistry

from simple amphiphiles to protocell models

Biologia dinamica

Biologia generale e molecolare della cellula

  • Alescio, Tommaso

Physics of bio-molecules and cells

Les Houches session 75., 2-27 July 2001

  • Ecole d'ete de physique theorique 75. Les Houches 2001

The evolution of haploid-diploid life cycles

1993 symposium on Some mathematical questions in biology, June 19-23, 1993, Snowbird, Utah

  • Symposium on some mathematical questions in biology Snowbird 1993

Drugs and cell regulation

organizational and pharmacological aspects on the molecular level

The origin and evolution of the cell

proceedings of the conference on the origin and evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells : Shimoda, Japan, 22-25 April 1992

Basic cell culture

a practical approach