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Risultati 120-140 di 357

Atti del Convegno nazionale di studio su Biotecnologia e salute dell'uomo

Roma, 1 dicembre 1983

  • Convegno nazionale di studio su Biotecnologia e salute dell'uomo Roma 1983

Fabbriche della natura

biotecnologie e democrazia

  • Jasanoff, Sheila

Biosystems engineering

biofactories for food production in the century 21.

Green chemical reactions

[proceedings of the NATO advanced Study Institute on New organic chemistry reactions and methodologies for green production, Lecce 29 october-10 november 2006]

Compost engineering

principles and practice

  • Haug, Roger Tim

Il progresso delle biotecnologie in Italia [+]

scienza, finanza, società e industria verso nuovi obiettivi

The next biotechnology

beyond the attempts at cloning biotech clusters

  • Fuhrer, Bernhard

Plant biotechnologies for developing countries

proceedings of an international symposium organized by the Technical Centre for agricultural and rural co-operation (CTA) and the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO) and held in Luxembourg, 26-30 June 1989

  • Technical centre for agricultural and rural cooperation