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Risultati 260-280 di 447

Molecular activities of plant cells

an introduction to plant biochemistry

  • Anderson, John Warwick


5-6 regulation of cell processes

Problèmes de structures, d'ultrastructures et de fonctions cellulaires

cristaux, enzymes, acide désoxyribonucléique, membrane et perméabilité, adhésivité, jonctions, neurone, cellule cancéreuse, spermatozoïdes, effets de lésions du sympathique

3D cell culture

methods and protocols

Cellular fine structure

an introductory student text and atlas

  • Freeman, James Alvin 1928-

Symposium on antibodies

their production and mechanism of action : given at Research conference for biology and medicine of the atomic energy commission, held at Gatlinburg, Tenn., April 8-10, 1957

  • Symposium on antibodies Gatlinburg 1957

La vie cellulaire

éléments de cytologie

  • Henneguy, L. Félix

Etudes sur la distribution geographique des mousses en France

au point de vue des principes et des faits

  • Boulay, Nicolas 1837-1905

La cellula

struttura e funzioni

  • Loewy, Ariel G.

Eukaryote cell recognition

concepts and model systems

Cell biology

  • Dowben, Robert M.