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Risultati 500-520 di 4494

Guida allo studio della Bibbia latina

dalla vetus latina, alla vulgata, alla nova vulgata

  • Cimosa, Mario

The forging of races

race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600-2000

  • Kidd, Colin

Holy writ

interpretation in law and religion

Love & joy

law, language and religion in ancient Israel

  • Muffs, Yochanan

Purity and monotheism

clean and unclean animals in Biblical law

  • Houston, Walter

I tuoi seni son grappoli d'uva

la sessualità nella Bibbia

  • Guetta, Silvia

Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen

internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2. bis 4. August 1999

  • Otto-Friedrich-Universität BambergZentrum für Mittelalterstudien

Six discours sur les miracles de notre Sauveur

deux traductions manuscrites du 18. siecle dont une de Mme Du Chatelet

  • Woolston, Thomas

Rhetorical analysis

an introduction to biblical rhetoric

  • Meynet, Roland

The poetics of biblical narrative

ideological literature and the drama of reading

  • Sternberg, Meir

Prophets, workship and theodicy

studies in prophetism, biblical theology and structural and rhetorical analysis, and the place of music in workshop : papers read at the joint British-Dutch Old Testament conference held at Woudschoten 1982

Polygynie in Mesopotamia und Israel

sozialgeschichtliche Analyse polygamer Beziehungen anhand rechtlicher Texte aus dem 2. und 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr

  • Friedl, Corinna