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Risultati 1-20 di 248


  • Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Catherine


  • Givón, Talmy 1936-

The syntax of sentence and text [+]

a festschrift for Frantisek Danes

Managing language [+]

the discourse of corporate meetings

  • Bargiela Chiappini, Francesca

Academic writing

intercultural and textual issues

Strategien zur Rezeption von Vorlesungen

eine Analyse der gesprochenen Vermittlungssprache und deren didaktische Konsequenzen für den audiovisuellen Fachsprachunterricht Wirtschaft

  • Grütz, Doris

Narrative research

reading, analysis, and interpretation

  • LieblichAmia

Language, tex, and knowledge

mental models of expert communication

Formulaic language and second language speech fluency

background, evidence and classroom applications

  • Wood, David

Perspectives on formulaic language

acquisition and communication

  • Wood, David

Risultati 1-20 di 248