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Risultati 1-20 di 33

The jurisprudence of GATT and the WTO

insights on treaty law and economic relations

  • Jackson, John Howard


GATT, the Uruguay round & the Third world

  • Raghavan, Chakravarthi

1993 report on unfair trade policies by major trading partners

trade policies and GATT obligations

  • Industrial structure Council Japan

L'Uruguay round

dal GATT all'organizzazione mondiale del commercio : i contenuti del trattato di Marrakesh

  • ItaliaMinistero del commercio con l'estero

Le GATT et les grands accords commerciaux mondiaux

vers l'Organisation mondiale du commerce: OMC

  • Nehme, Claude

World trade at the crossroads

the Uruguay Round, GATT, and beyond

Regulation and protectionism under Gatt

case studies in North American agriculture

Risultati 1-20 di 33