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Risultati 260-280 di 480302

The First Athens Issue of the Large Hermes Heads of Greece

(Mid October 1861 - End of April 1862)


The first humans and their cultural manifestations

[section 4]. Colloquium VII, Evolutive modalities in ancient hominids and phyletic relationships between Australopithecines and the genus Homo. Colloquium VIII, Lithic industries, language and social behaviour in the first human forms

  • Congresso internazionale delle scienze preistoriche e protostoriche <13. ; Forlì ; 1996>

The first industrial nation

an economic history of Britain : 1700-1914

  • Mathias, Peter

The first negatives

an account of the discovery and early use of the negative-positive photographic process

  • Thomas, David Bowen

The first show

Painting and Sculpture from Eight Collections : 1940-1980 ...