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Risultati 180-200 di 480302

The Encyclopedia of British Empire Postage Stamps [+]

1639-1952 Volume V - The Empire in North America. Parts I & II

  • Lowe, Robson

The end of the dinosaurs

Chicxulub crater and mass extinctions

  • Frankel, Charles

The english novel

a short critical history

  • Allen, Walter

The environmental fate of xenobiotics

proceedings of the X symposium "Pesticide chemistry" : september 30-october 2, 1996, Castelnuovo Fogliani, Piacenza, Italia

  • Symposium "Pesticide chemistry" <10. ; Piacenza ; 1996>

The epistemology of the water closet

John Harington's "Metamorphosis of Ajax" and Elizabethan technologies of shame

  • Paster, Gail Kern

Risultati 180-200 di 480302