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Risultati 1-20 di 136

Ot suscestvujusego k voznikajuscemu

Vremja i sloznost' v fiziceskich naukach

  • Prigogine, Ilya

Self-organization in nonequilibrium systems

from dissipative structures to order throught fluctuations

  • Nicolis, Gregoire

Porjadok iz chaosa

Novyj dialog celoveka s prirodoj

  • Prigogine, Ilya

Molecular scattering

physical and chemical applications

Chemical reactions and their control on the femtosecond time scale

XXth Solvay conference on chemistry : [Brussels from November 28 to December 2, 1995]

  • Solvay conference on chemistry 20. Brussels 1995

Risultati 1-20 di 136