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Risultati 20-29 di 29

Proceedings of the 1979 International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies

August 23-29, 1979 : Fermi national accelerator laboratory, Batavia, Illinois

  • International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies 9. Batavia, Illinois 1979

Statistical mechanics

foundations and applications : proceedings of the I.U.P.A.P. meeting, Copenhagen, 1966

  • Conference on statistical mechanics and thermodynamics Copenhagen, Danimarca 1966

Proceedings of the 8th International conference on high-energy accelerators, CERN 1971

Geneva, 20-24 September, 1971

  • International conference on high energy accelerators 8. Geneva 1971

Elastic wave propagation

proceedings of the second I.U.T.A.M.-I.U.P.A.P. symposium on elastic wave propagation, Galway, Ireland, March 20-25, 1988

  • Symposium on elastic wave propagation 2. Galway, Irlanda 1988

Proceedings of the XIIIth International conference on high-energy physics

held at Berkeley, California, August 31-September 7, 1966

  • International conference on high energy physics 13. Berkeley, California 1966

Physics 50 years later

as presented to the 14. general assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics on the occasion of the Union's 50. anniversary, september 1972

Quantum fluids

proceedings of the Sussex university symposium, 16-20 August 1965

  • International symposium on quantum fluids Brighton, Inghilterra 1965

Origin of cosmic rays

International astronomical union symposium no. 94, jointly with International union of pure and applied physics, held in Bologna, Italy, June 11-14, 1980

  • International astronomical union

Risultati 20-29 di 29