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Risultati 1-20 di 29

Neutrino '75

IUPAP conference : Balatonfüred, Hungary, 12-17 June 1975 : proceedings

  • International conference on neutrino physics and astrophysics 5. Balatonfüred 1975

22nd international cosmic ray conference

ICRC XXII 1991 Dublin : [11-23 August 1991] : contributed papers

  • International cosmic ray conference 22. Dublin 1991

Proceedings of the Rehovoth conference on nuclear structure

held at the Weizmann institute of science, Rehovoth, September 8-14, 1957

  • Rehovoth conference on nuclear structure Rehovoth 1957

International conference on theoretical aspects of very high-energy phenomena

held at CERN 5-9 June, 1961 : proceedings

  • International conference on theoretical aspects of very high-energy phenomena Geneva 1961

International conference on high-energy accelerators and instrumentation, CERN, 1959

Geneva, 14th-19th September, 1959 : proceedings

  • International conference on high energy accelerators and instrumentation Geneva 1959

Physics 50 years later

as presented to the XIV General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics on the occasion of the Union's Fiftieth Anniversary, September 1972

  • International union of pure and applied physics

23rd international cosmic ray conference

XXIII ICRC Calgary 1993 : July 19-30, 1993 : contributed papers

  • International cosmic ray conference 23. Calgary 1993

High energy collisions

third international conference held at State University of New York, Stony Brook, September 5 and 6, 1969

  • International conference on high energy collisions 3rd Stony Brook, N.Y. 1969

1962 International conference on high-energy physics at CERN

Geneva, 4th-11th July 1962 : proceedings

  • International conference on high energy physics 11. CERN, Geneva 1962

Proceedings of the 25th International conference on high energy physics

2-8 August 1990, Singapore

  • International conference on high energy physics 25. Singapore 1990

Proceedings of the 1977 International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies

Congress Centrum Hamburg, August 25-31, 1977

  • International symposium on lepton and photon interactions at high energies 8. Hamburg 1977

26th international cosmic ray conference

ICRC XXVI : Salt Lake City, Utah, 17-25 August 1999 : contributed papers

  • International cosmic ray conference 26. Salt Lake City, Utah 1999

The properties of liquid metals

proceedings of an international conference held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y., U.S.A., 19-23 September 1966, sponsored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

  • International conference on the properties of liquid metals 1. Brookhaven National Laboratory 1966

Risultati 1-20 di 29