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Risultati 40-60 di 228

Albert Einstein and the cosmic world order [+]

six lectures delivered at The University of Michigan in the Spring of 1962

  • Lanczos, Cornelius

Elie Cartan - Albert Einstein [+]

lettres sur le parallelisme absolu 1929-1932

  • Cartan, Elie 1869-1951

Ather und Relativitats-Theorie

Rede gehalten am 5 Mai 1920 an der Reichs-Universitat zu Leiden

  • Einstein, Albert

Vier Vorlesungen uber Relativitastheorie

gehalten im Mai 1921 an der Universitat Princeton

  • Einstein, Albert

Proceedings of the second Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity

organized and held at the International centre for theoretical physics, Trieste 5-11 July, 1979 : held in honour of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein

  • Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity 2. Trieste 1979


a richer truth

  • Frank, Philippe