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Particles and fields, 1973

(APS/DPF Berkeley)

  • American physical societyDivision of particles and fields

Proceedings of the Oregon meeting

annual meeting of the Division of particles and fields of the American physical society : Eugene, Oregon, August 12-15, 1985

  • American physical societyDivision of particles and fields

Proceedings of the Workshop on experiments, detectors and experimental areas for the supercollider

July 7-17, 1987, Berkeley, California

  • Workshop on experiments, detectors and experimental areas for the supercollider University of California, Berkeley 1987

Particles and fields, 1982

(APS/DPF University of Maryland)

  • Annual meeting on particles and fields University of Maryland 1982

Research directions for the decade

proceedings of the 1990 Summer study on high energy physics : June 25-July 13, 1990, Snowmass, Colorado

  • DPF Summer study 5. Snowmass, Colorado 1990

Proceedings of the Summer study on high energy physics in the 1990s

[Snowmass, Colorado] June 27-July 15, 1988

  • DPF Summer study 4. Snowmass, Colorado 1988

Proceedings of the 1982 DPF Summer study on elementary particle physics and future facilities

June 28-July 16, 1982, Snowmass, Colorado

  • DPF Summer study 1. Snowmass, Colorado 1982

Risultati 1-9 di 9